This setting controls the size of the NSF buffer pool, a section of memory dedicated to buffering I/ O transfers between the NIF indexing functions and disk storage. 这个设置控制NSF缓冲池的大小,后者是用于缓冲NIF索引函数与磁盘存储之间的I/O传输的一部分内存。
For example, some applications require a lot of disk storage but not a lot of CPU power. 例如,一些应用程序需要大量磁盘存储而无需很大CPU功率。
It relied on punched cards and paper tape but also used inexpensive disk storage ( 1MB total). 它依赖于穿孔卡片和纸带而且还使用廉价的磁盘存储(总量为1MB)。
Because cloud environments are virtualized, a fraction of the total CPU, memory, and disk storage is allocated to each user request. 因为云计算是虚拟化的,所以全部CPU、内存和磁盘存储的一部分被分配给每个用户请求。
While capacity planning involves making sound decisions about the number of CPUs, it also involves balancing the CPU information with the amount of memory and disk storage purchased for each system. 在容量规划需要做出有关CPU数量的正确决定时,它也涉及到将CPU信息与每一个系统所购买的内存和磁盘存储数量相平衡。
When the snapshot is modified, it either retrieves the data from the original file system ( if it is not modified) or it retrieves it from its own disk storage ( if the original was changed). 在修改快照时,它从原始文件系统获取数据(如果原始文件系统未修改),或者从它自己的磁盘存储获取数据(如果原始文件系统被更改)。
They have no real permanent disk storage location. 它们没有对应的持久磁盘存储位置。
DB2 row compression was designed to reduce disk storage space requirements of database objects. DB2行压缩被设计用来减少数据库对象的磁盘存储空间需求。
Implementing the three main features we outlined, design compression, document compression, and DAOS, can significantly affect your disk storage requirements and your overall operational costs. 实现我们介绍的三个主要特性&设计压缩、文档压缩和DAOS,您就可以影响磁盘存储要求和整个操作成本。
Each server has disk storage and one or more central processing units with memory. 每一个服务器都具有磁盘存储和一个或多个附带内存的中央处理单元。
Utilize disk storage with fast write cache for the logs. 为日志分配一个具有快速写入缓存的磁盘存储器。
Scarce DRM resources CPU, disk storage and, so on compete with one another to fulfill each user's resource needs. 稀缺的DRM资源CPU、磁盘存储等相互争用以满足每个用户的资源需求。
Isolate the DB2 logs onto dedicated disk storage ( not shared by anything else). 将BD2日志隔离到专门的磁盘存储器上(不要与任何其他内容共享)。
Synchronous replication is available in two implementation methods, disk storage replication and DB2 High Availability Disaster Recover ( HADR). 同步复制有两种可用的实现方法:磁盘存储复制和DB2HighAvailabilityDisasterRecover(HADR)。
This isn't always the case, though; all UNIX variants support network disk storage. 但是,实际情况并非总是如此;所有UNIX变体都支持网络磁盘存储。
Attachments are typically excellent candidates to use lower-cost disk storage. 附件是降低磁盘存储量的一个重要方面。
Disk storage replication utilizes special storage hardware and/ or software to perform synchronous disk writes of a primary DB2 server at a secondary location. 磁盘存储复制利用专门的存储硬件和/或软件在辅助位置上执行主DB2服务器的同步磁盘写。
The SAN disk storage for these systems was an IBM DS8100. 这些系统使用的SAN磁盘存储是IBMDS8100。
These efficiencies are even more pronounced in today's high-performance, multi-core processors systems with large amounts of memory and disk storage. 这些效率在如今具有大量内存和磁盘存储的高性能、多内核处理器系统中更加明显。
Examples may include servers, disk storage devices, tape storage devices, and connective devices associated with these items. 例子包括服务器、磁盘存储设备、磁带存储设备,和与这些相联系的连接设备。
As the cost of RAM and disk storage has decreased, there has been a growing trend among software developers to disregard the size of applications. 随着RAM和磁盘存储设备成本的降低,在软件开发商中间存在这样一个倾向,不再顾及应用程序的大小。
A printed-circuit board which interfaces disk storage hardware to the CPU of a computer. 将磁盘存储器硬件接到计算机中央处理器(CPU)的印制电路板。
Exchangeable disk storage: Refers to disc pack storage used with mainframe computers. 可替换磁碟贮存:指大型电脑用的磁碟组贮存方法。
Saves disk storage information that can be used to recover accidentally erased files. 镜像,保存磁盘的信息让你能覆盖意外删除的文件。
This system includes a personal computer, optical disk storage 这个系统包括一台个人电脑,光盘储存
A type of hard disk storage device in which the disk is hermetically sealed inside its disk drive. 一种硬盘存储器设备,其中盘片密封在磁盘驱动器内。
Enabling value compression allows for no disk storage to be consumed by NULL values, zero length data in variable length columns and system default values. 数值压缩不为空值、可变长度列中的零长度数据和系统默认值提供磁盘空间。
The entire engine is fully asynchronous from reading network data, to parsing multipart/ form-data uploads, streaming entity filters, and disk storage. 整个引擎在读取网络数据、解析多部分/格式数据上传、流模式实体过滤以及磁盘存储方面都完全是异步的。
Attributes provided: 300 GB of disk storage mounted in a carrier. 属性提供:300GB的磁盘存储安装在承运人。